Happy birthday to you...

33 years ago today, one of the finest characters to grace a cinema screen was first unleashed on an unsuspecting world.

On May 25, 1979, was 'born' into the fabric of modern culture an unassuming warrant officer on a space ship called Nostromo.

She did so much.

To those who were paying attention, she taught by example how to fight for what is right, not cave in to pressure from within as well as from without, and how to survive by trusting your instincts.

She proved that one needn't be perfect to be a hero, nor be a hero in order to survive.

Throughout four films, numerous graphic novels and reviews, Ripley has consistently been hailed as a true warrior, a champion not just for women but for all who struggle with oppression from without and self-doubt from within.

She teaches us that bravery, that real courage, is not about being fearless, but about accomplishing what must be accomplished when you are in fact terrified.

She eventually had to do it alone.

And while many of us marveled at her vulnerable rise to victory over her fear and her enemy in those stunning final scenes...

... we didn't realize until later that she didn't just change clothes.

She changed everything.

Thank you Ripley. You deserve a good long rest.

Happy birthday.


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